Some of my past projects.
Hosted on Google Cloud Platform.

serialize_log4j_golang (2023)

Learning golang goroutine, tcp socket connection in this little project.

This project aim to receive log4jEvent from Log4j1.x socketAppender, and then convert it as json, to handle logs generated by legacy Java apps. And then forward it to a json receiving logging server, Logstash, Kafka, {…etc, name it}.

The service create one socket output connection to a Json server, listen on log4j port from N log producing apps. Each socket input create a new connection, a new goroutine, while reusing the same forwarding tcp connection.

Bachelor in Computer Science Graduation Thesis (2022)

Application of improved approximate string search on Simplified/Traditional Chinese Address 繁簡漢字地址的模糊搜索研究與實踐

Fun fact: My thesis was written in pandoc markdown.

Based on NLP researches and information retrieval theories to improve Chinese information search use cases typo tolerance. Demonstration based on API wrapper around a single node Elasticseach deployment, Kibana data view and a Python wxwidget GUI.

This topic can benefit problem in other opensource project as well. For example according to the discussion for issue on meilisearch.

  • 圖片

GUI Demo


Video Demo

Geofencing Project (2021)

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Geofencing API built during internship. Using Java Spring Boot, GeoJSON spatial region data and JTS library

Geospatial data visualization (2021)


This is an Angular component project during internship. Built using Angular and Google Maps API to visualize datapoints.

e-student course selection (2020)

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Course selection web project in Vue2, with java REST API backend, SQLite database

College info database management project(2021)

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Database CRUD management, in Vue3 and Java backend, using mysql database.

  • Sample Account=(netid=122235d, pin=122235dChan)
  • Try it
  • source

Data visualization of electric bill (2021)

This experiment will try to mine my own electric usage to visualize and examine usage habit. Using pandas, scikit, matlibplot in python.
